What does alt + f4 do
What does alt + f4 do

what does alt + f4 do what does alt + f4 do

Ctrl+F5: Restore the size of your presentation window.This is handy when testing how the presentation view will look. Shift+F5: Begin a slideshow from your current slide.F5: Begin a slideshow with your active presentation from the first slide.This closes all open presentations (giving you the chance to save changes first) and exits Powerpoint. Ctrl+F4: Close the presentation window.This one’s handy because you can use it to browse search results without having the Find and Replace window open. Shift+F4: Repeat the last “Find” action.Pressing this combo repeatedly cycles through the following case styles: Initial Letter Case, ALL CAPS CASE, and lower case. Shift+F3: Change the case of selected text.

what does alt + f4 do

This will not save all open presentations. Alt+Shift+F2: Save the active presentation that you’re working on.Ctrl+F2: Open the Print window, where you can preview and print your document.F2: When you have an object that contains text (like a text box or other shape), pressing F2 cycles between selecting the text for editing and selecting the object itself for moving or formatting.Ctrl+F1: Close and reopen the current task pane.When you’re in slideshow mode, pressing F1 reveals the slideshow’s controls so you can do things like moving forward or backward in your presentation. F1: When you’re in editing mode, pressing F1 displays the help menu.Minimize everything and show desktop: (or between the desktop and Start screen in Windows 8.Open a recently closed tab in your internet broswer: Ctrl + Shift "T".For example, to copy text (Ctrl + "C"), you would highlight the text and press and hold the "Ctrl" (or control) key on your keyboard, then tap the "C" key before releasing both keys. The list displays key combinations that are intended to be pressed and held until all are completed. Where can I find these keys on my keyboard? Windows This page includes a guide to a few useful combinations that will help you complete tasks more quickly. They are useful and often great time-savers. Keyboard shortcuts are combinations of keystrokes that allow you to quickly perform an action.

What does alt + f4 do